Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Epsom Salt Bath (Part 2)

In early January, J had his first Epsom Salt Bath (Refer to my post here). About 2 weeks later in later part of January, hubby remembered that J had a swim tub (Clever Hubby!) that we had bought when he was an infant. He suggested that we can use it for J as the current bath tub is too small for J and J isn't fully soaked in.

And here it is! J enjoyed his Epsom Salt soaking in his swim tub about 2 to 3 times a week.

Enjoying his Epsom Salt Soaking

Not only that, even I can fit into the swim tub (benefits of being small-built) and have a good Epsom Salt soaking. Epsom Salt soaking is not only good just for eliminating toxins and heavy metals said to be high in people in the ASD spectrum, it is also good for adults too.

It helps to relax our body, relieve stress and muscle tension, pains and cramps. Hubby will also soak his tired and sore feet in the tub (He is too big for the tub!). Epsom Salt is also claimed to have anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.

Thanks to Hubby's clever idea and J's swim tub, the swim tub has not gone to waste and now the whole family can enjoy the Epsom Salt Bath and Soak.

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