Thursday, June 22, 2017

Play Skills - Train Tracks

On 5th Jun 2017, as usual, J was playing with his train tracks. But this time, I noticed something different. He not only could connect into sophisticated train tracks now, he was able to combine with another toy structure - car park.

Combine train tracks with carpark

There is a train station at platform level, which the train can stop. There is an wooden block in front of the train, which is the end of track. The train tracks will go underneath the sofa, which is the tunnel.

Train stopping at platform level

I realised J's play skills have moved on to the next level.

I remembered this was an impossible scenario 2.5 years ago. While peers his age already started connecting train tracks, he was busy lining tracks side by side.

This was how J played his train tracks
even when he was 3.5 years old.
He loved to line up the train tracks
into a 4-panel door lifts.

Even for 1st half of last year, he could only move towards connecting 8 train tracks to form a circle. Of course, his daddy and I would model to him how train tracks could be connected together.

To me, this is an incredible achievement. His cognitive abilities have definitely improved. While he was playing the train tracks, there were interaction and laughter. The one thing that never leave his play, is his motivation - the lift.

Looking back, the efforts and time put in to see today's results are all worth it because I know God will eventually heal him. He is improving.

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