Saturday, November 26, 2016

Article: Raising a Child with Special Needs: An Interview with Mother Annie Ong

On 22nd Nov 2016, I received news of the passing of mummy Annie Ong, after a battle with cancer. She has 2 young sons who is in the spectrum.

As a mother, I can't help feeling sad and there were many thoughts that came to my mind:
  • If it can happen to her, it can happen to anyone and it can happen to me.
  • Just like her, I have a son who is autistic.
  • If I were gone one day, can he take care of himself?
  • Will he be able to survive? 
  • What if he gets bullied?
The interview can be read here.

Based on the interview, we can understand that she has been through lots of challenges. Just as she might be able to celebrate her son's milestones and achievements, she had to fight another battle and lost the battle.

In life, there are lots of battles. In this arduous journey with J, we had to fight lots of battles. There were times we felt helpless. Some battles aren't worth fighting for but there are some battles, we had no control of. We can only leave it to God.

I pray for God's protection on Annie's 2 boys and may God take care and guide them, through their journey.

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