Sunday, November 27, 2016

Proprioceptive Senses

In the evening, we went to a playground at Lorong Chuan. It was a simple playground but yet, the playground has equipments that help with balancing, climbing and most importantly, working on J's Proprioceptive Senses. More information on Proprioception can be found here.

I have lately suspected that J has Proprioception Dysfunction because he is sensory seeking, he has lack of body awareness and he gripped his crayons, glue and pencils very tightly and he would pressed it down very hard.

It is now a way of life that as his mum, we are slowly beginning to understand J's behaviour and why he behaves the way he behaved. Prior to this, there were lots of guessing on the reasons for his behaviour and triggers. After which, there will be lots of trials and error on the solution to cope with his behaviour and triggers, which could be very taxing and frustration on myself and his dad.

J loves this very much. I would swing him.
It helps in his balancing.

J loves to lie this on his tummy.
I did the same too and when J swung me, I felt some sensation on my head.
I guess that is the sensation that J likes.

J loves climbing up and down on this turnstile.
He loves to sit in it and I push him round.

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