Thursday, December 8, 2016

2 days of Joining, Celebration and 3Es

Yes! Since Tuesday (6th Dec 2016), it has been just joining, celebration and 3Es. We did about 2 hours per day. It was much fun, interacting with J and going into his world.


J has been obsessed with lift. So I joined him with his isms. He is a verbal child. So most of his isms come with lots of verbal speeches and imaginary lift at a place. We will "take lift" to different levels. "Going Up" and "Going Down" were the repeated phrases. The levels can range from B10 (Basement 10) to Level 150 (I'm amazed at his imagination!). He would interact with me but the interaction is a false green light because of the rigidity involved. There were instances when he would said "No" if I added in any new ideas. In this case, I would have to let him take the lead or take control.

But when it was a sustained green light, I added in songs like "This is the way the lift goes up, the lift goes up, the lift goes up, this is the way the lift goes up and we are at Level 4". There were times when I paused to let him fill in the blanks and sing. It came to a point when his imagination included going to the carpark to drive a car. Just yesterday, I added in one more item. That is, when we were in the car, it was raining! And he liked the idea.

It was so fun!


I thanked him and tell him how much I love it when he looked me in the eyes. I thanked him when he said "No" to some of my ideas. When he came up with new ideas, I celebrated with him too.


The 3Es stand for Energy, Excitement and Enthusiasm. I did that whether in the playroom or out of the playroom. And it brought tremendous result. J felt motivated and he brought in lots of new ideas.

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