Thursday, December 8, 2016

J's Playroom

During the Son-Rise Program® Startup, I have learnt that one of the ways to help our children on the spectrum is to create a playroom (Sounds Fun!). The purpose of this playroom is to have extreme temporary environment in extreme permanent environment as there will be no stimulation, giving our child the most safe and distraction-free room, to enable them to learn all the fundamentals of social development (i.e. eye contact, non-verbal communication, flexibility, language, etc). And we can get different volunteers to work with our child. One of our job is to train the volunteers as well.

J already has a playroom.
But the ideal Son-Rise Program® playroom encourage having a shelf,
to enable the child to learn to ask for things, one of the skills for language building.

The purpose is to have low or minimal stimulation so I took out the playmat.
If you notice, the playmat is too colourful.
After discussion, Hub and I felt we can omit the playmat since J aren't prone to falling.

The ideal Son-Rise Program® playroom encourage having a shelf,
 to enable the child to learn to ask for things and to have a mirror too.
J is used to asking for things that are kept in those boxes,
which has helped in his language and interaction skill.
Hence, for the time being, we remain as it is.
The playroom is about 80% done. But I am already eager to start.

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